Flexischools Security Reminder

Flexischools and FLX are aware of the recent Optus data breach. This unfortunate event serves as a reminder for us all to consider some of the basic things we can do to increase our diligence as consumers of digital services.

When receiving any message:

  1. Be alert for scams delivered by email, phone, SMS or direct messaging apps like WhatsApp, particularly if they encourage you to click links.

  2. Ask yourself: am I expecting this link?  Did you just do an action while logged into the app that told you to look out for a link?  If not, be suspicious

  3. We will only ever send links from our secure flexischools.com.au domain or registered SMS channel (but note that SMS “from” names can be easily spoofed)

  4. Remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to Flexischools immediately.

Here are some other red flags to look out for:

●      You don't recognise the sender

●      The sender is texting/emailing from a strange number/domain

●      The message seems generic

●      The message contains spelling or grammatical mistakes

●      The message asks you to click a link

Scam messages often try to make you lower your defences by inventing a crisis that needs to be urgently solved. For example: "Your account is frozen. Login immediately to lift the restriction." If you click the link, you get sent to a fake website that aims to steal your login details.

If you’re ever unsure whether a message is really from Flexischools or FLX:

●      Don’t click on any links

●      Contact the Flexischools customer service team on 1300 361 769 to check

Flexischools is committed to protecting your data and providing you with a safe online experience. You can find more information in the Privacy Policy documentation on the Flexischools website: https://www.flexischools.com.au/legal

For more information, go to the Australian government’s Scamwatch page:


Yours in safety,
Flexischools Team


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